Haidakhan Ashram

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The Haidakhan Babaji ashram was established by Shri Shri 1008 Haidakhan wale baba in the year between 1970 and 1984. There are more than 100 rooms available here for the accomodation of the devotees who visit the ashram, and the members of haidakhan samaj live here and provide room to the devotees of babaji at very nominal charges and more than 100 rooms are going to be constructed soon.

The river gaumati Ganga flows in between the two sites of the Ashram. There is huge hall in the ashram , Devotees of Babaji gather here for meditation.This is the cculpture of Shid brahmchari maharaj.

The ashram cover a quite huge area and divided into 3 levels the main ashram, fakirabad, and the gufa side. Babaji built nine temples (nav durga) on the bank of the River Gautami Ganga.

Every year on 25th of December a huge fair takes place in Haidakhan ashram devotees from 50 55 countries be the part of the fair There are various spiritual centers and ashrams dedicated to Haidakhan wale Babaji have been established in all over the World. Haidakhan Ashram is located in India as well as beyond India(Internationally). In India, Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham (Village Haidakhan, District Nainital), Ananda Puri Ashram, Chilianaula (Ranikhet), India, Manda Ashram (it’s about 23kms away from Vapi), Haidakhandi Samaj (Yaday Bhawan, Malla Gorakhpur Haldwani).

Internationally the Ashrams are located in Germany(Bhole Baba Ashram, Rieferath , GERMANY), USA( Haidakhandi Universal Ashram ), Italy (Fondazione Bhole Baba in Cisternino (BR), Switzerland ( Brien), the Netherlands (Loenen Ashram Sada Shiva Dham).

The Centres of Haidakhan are located in various places of India including Assam, Ahmedabad, Dariapur, Kayavaroham, Kota, Lobhan, Manda, Mandiri, Mathura, Murar, New Delhi, Almora, Vrindavan.

During the time of Babaji, Haidakhan Samaj got developed, the main purpose behind developing the Samaj was to spread the message of Babaji in the world. There are many festivals celebrated in the ashram by the members of the Ashram and the members of Haidakhan Samaj. Haidakhan Samaj also works for the welfare of the society. There are two main ashrams of Haidakhan Babaji manages by Haidakhan Samaj these are Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham at Haidakhan village and Anandpuri Ashram at chiliyanaula, Ranikhet. The Haidakhan Samaj serves the poor and the sick people by providing health and medical facilities in both the ashrams .

There are also 5 guest houses and the Bhakti Bhandar Shop, the main temple, the Italian temple and Sri Babaji‘s Kutir (room) and the Sri Baba Research Hospital where both Ashram visitors and local people are treated.
Babaji left his body on 14 February 1984. He gave the message that we can win the heart of the people by truth, simplicity, and love.

You can get details of altitude or contact details of Ashram on given link (http://www.nainitalonline.com/about-haidakhan/) as shown on screen or you can get the link on description below.

Also we are providing the link of our pervious video in which you will get the route of Haidakhan ashram from haldwani and the brief history of haidakhan ashram

India :
Haidakhan : Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham (Village Haidakhan, District Nainital) WEBSITE : www.haidakhandisamaj.org
Ranikhet : Ananda Puri Ashram, Chilianaula (Ranikhet), India www.haidakhandisamaj.org, http://www.anandpuri.com/Welcome.html
Manda Ashram (about 23 km from vaapi )
Malla Gorakhpur Haldwani: HAIDAKHANDI SAMAJ: Website : Haidakhandisamaj.org
SWITZERLAND : BRIENZ : WEBSITE : www.babajiashram.de
ITALY: Fondazione Bhole Baba in Cisternino (BR): WEBSITE : www.bholebaba.org, www.samajitaliano.org
GERMANY: Bhole Baba Ashram, Rieferath (GERMANY) : WEBSITE : www.babajiashram.de


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